‘Keeping Your Hand In’ themed classes
for AT teachers, trainees & pupils
75 mins each, available by class recordings (recorded in speaker view)
These nourishing and insightful classes are an opportunity to continue working on yourself whilst creatively deepening your understandings of A.T.
Classes consist of information, talk-throughs and practical work in prone/ semi-supine / standing / sitting/ movement etc
To participate via a recording, please make a payment for the class(es) you would like to take part in.
These will then be emailed to you via ‘We Transfer’ (do check your spam box for these!).
Sliding scale: £10 – 25 per class
(If financially challenged, please reflect honestly on what you can afford to pay adjust the payment button accordingly)
‘A dialogue between ankles, knees and sacrum’:
Addressing the delicate and intricate interactions between sacrum and leg joints.
‘Anchor-points & De-rotation’
Work in semi-supine following Dart’s principles of untwisting and quietening habitual contractions.
‘Bump-starting the spine’ through crawling’
Exploring ways of working with a crawling position both in movement, stillness and whilst in contact a wall, to enhance our sense of length, and spinal unity and integration.
‘Discharge Release, Nourish, Energise’
An opportunity to work in prone and semi-supine to release and let go of whatever you do not need…be it physical tension, tiredness, emotions, an energetic state or mood….and then to expand, re-nourish and re-energise your system.
‘Evolving from Prone into Monkey’
Exploring an ‘evolution’ from the floor upwards, to find a new experience of putting ‘Hands on the back of a chair’
‘Individuation & ‘Arm Swimming’ in prone’
Exploring ‘flippering’ movements into larger, ‘folding and swimming movements’ to open the upper limb girdle.
‘Mental Use versus Physical Use’
Exploring the correlations between habitual ‘Mental Use’ and our ‘Physical Use’, and working to bring about greater balance.
‘Muscle versus Connective Tissue’
Exploration of the difference in the properties of connective tissue versus muscle fibre and their implications for the way we work.
‘Self-Care in teaching’
Grounding, cleansing, closing down, opening up….How do we ‘look after ourselves’ whilst teaching, to stay centred and avoid burnout or
picking up our pupil’s ‘stuff’?
‘The Hand reflects the Back’
Exploration of the five finger connections into the entire length of the back and their implications for hands-on work. Work in lying and in the upright.
‘Whispered Ahs to enhance Primary Control’
Exploring how FM’s Whispered Ah procedure organises the neck, the furniture of the mouth and vitalises our ‘embryonic Up energy’.
The Use of Language in Evoking Positive Change
Explore how your choice of words when teaching may be helping or hindering your pupil’s ability to effectively release. By making some simple, conscious changes to your teaching language you may be surprised at how easily you can both enhance your teaching experience, deepen your effectiveness as a teacher and enable your pupil to let go even more!