Have you tried lying in Semi-Supine? This is a way of beginning to work with the Alexander Technique on your own, at home. You will need somewhere to lie with a rug on the floor, and a small pile of paper-backed books to use as a head-rest. This Semi-supine ‘exercise’ takes 20 minutes, and will help you to begin to release tensions in your back (and body generally) by focussing your consciousness precisely within your musculature, according to FM Alexander’s principles.
Here is a taster of the ‘Semi-Supine Package’ video:
The Semi-supine package consists of:
*26-minute video explaining the benefits of lying in Semi-supine and demonstrating what is involved,
*4 x 20-minute audio ‘talk-throughs’ to work with whilst lying in semi-supine each with a slightly different focus:
1. ‘Being attentive and becoming present’
2. ‘De-Rotation’
3. ‘Organised Thinking’
4. ‘Giving Space’
Once purchased, you will be sent the video / audio files as an email attachment within 24-48 hrs (with the exception of during summer holiday times when this may take longer to reach you).