South East Alexander School
The South East Alexander School offers a professional Alexander Technique teacher-training programme, based in Forest Row, East Sussex, UK.
It also offers opportunities for post-graduate study, short-term visits, CPD workshops, supervision, and ‘taster days’…
This unique, professional training course offers students the opportunity to study in-depth the work of F.M. Alexander- his principles of inhibition, direction and means to psycho-physical re-education, how to apply these to oneself and how to effectively teach these to others. This rich area of study will be approached creatively, holistically and in a variety of ways, enabling students to grow, develop and change on all levels. Whilst this training primarily focuses on learning to work on oneself, it will simultaneously equip students with the tools and skills to teach the Alexander Technique professionally.
This training recognises that physical change comes hand in hand with emotional, psychological and energetic change. It honours and welcomes these inevitable changes as an integral part of the training process.
‘It’s a delight to be involved with Delia’s Alexander Technique training school. Her approach is professional and modern, and her skilful teaching shows a deep knowledge and understanding of Alexander’s principles.’ SEAS student
Course Structure:
This teacher-training course is arranged to enable students to continue to work if need be, and training days are flexible – by arrangement with the student group. These are spread over three terms annually. There is also the option to train on an ‘apprenticeship basis’, with custom-made timetables designed to fit around an individual’s available time and finances. (In this instance, training may be comprised of a combination of 1-1 or small group work, work on zoom or via video recordings, tutorials and intensive workshops. Please enquire for further details.)
Students will receive regular tutorials and 1-1 lessons, by arrangement. Additionally there will be annual long weekends of extra training work during the Easter and Summer breaks where specific themes can be further explored. Students are also required to undertake project-based work on a chosen area of interest connected to the Alexander Technique, to be independently studied / researched and presented as a written paper of approximately 5000 words.
As an important part of the training, students are asked to document their personal journey of psycho-physical change by keeping a journal or learning diary, and to present extracts of this once a year, in the form of an essay and to complete termly self-evaluation questionnaires. Additionally, students are required to make a commitment to an ongoing practice of ‘working on oneself’ for a minimum of one hour daily, outside of training course days, and to have a minimum of 10 private lessons outside of the training course, spread throughout the year.
“I have had the privilege of knowing Delia for some years and find her to be an extraordinary teacher who, for all of her students, allows each of us to learn with fun, enjoyment, curiosity, wonder and above all, Delia makes you feel so much better on every level! All I can say is come and experience the amazing “Alexander Technique” and begin your journey back to your true self!’ SEAS student
Course Content:
The content and focus of the South East Alexander School’s
teacher-training will include:
- A study of F.M. Alexander’s life and books
- The work of Professor Raymond Dart (The ‘Dart Procedures’)
- Hands-on skills and procedural work: ‘Monkey’, ‘Whispered Ahs’, ‘Hands on back of the chair’…
- Developing sensitivity and ‘listening skills’ with one’s hands
- Practical, ‘living’ anatomy
- Stories of embryological development and how these underpin Alexander’s discoveries
- Voice work
- Applied work: applying Alexander principles to swimming, horse riding, singing, meditation, musicianship…
- Scaravelli & Feldenkrais-inspired movement and stretching
- Working with the body’s energy system
- Working with emotional / energetic release alongside physical release
- Physiology of typical musculo-skeletal conditions
- Sheltered teaching: giving private lessons, running groups, taking case-studies…
- Ethics
- Psychological / positive mental fitness development
- Independent project-based research and study
- Tutorials and on-going assessment
“The teaching at the South East Alexander School is playful, creative,
in-depth and enlightening.” SEAS student
Course Duration:
The South East Alexander School acknowledges that students come to train with differing backgrounds, Alexander experience, age and life history, all of which affect the training process. Therefore the length of time it may take to deem a student confident, competent and ready to teach the Alexander Technique will vary. It is expected that training will take approximately 3 -4 years. The final decision will be made by the training course director, in consultation with the other teaching staff and with the student. For ‘apprenticeship-style’ trainees, the training will take as long as it takes and will be dependant on depth of understanding and development, training hours and above all, when the trainee is deemed to be ready to graduate. Students will graduate with a teaching certificate of competence to teach the Alexander Technique, and will be eligible to apply to become a teaching member of the Alexander Technique International (A.T.I.) by undertaking A.T.I.’s ‘evaluation process’. (Whilst training, students can choose to join A.T.I. as a trainee member).
Post-Graduate Support:
It is at the point of graduating and then making the delicate transition from student to fully-fledged Alexander teacher that ‘the real learning’ begins! The first few years of teaching is commonly a time rich with questioning what one has learnt and how to apply this meaningfully to pupils, and can also often be a time of confusion, self doubt and feeling alone with ‘the work’. Therefore it is crucial that new teachers receive as much support as possible whilst making this important transition, so as to build confidence and boost positivity around teaching practice. The South East Alexander School offers regular workshops for new teachers, providing a space for supervision, hands-on input, reflection on teaching practise, constructive feedback and further training input, as determined by the needs and wants of the participants. Participating in post graduate support weekends is seen as an integral and important extension of the training process.
Eligibility to train:
To be eligible to join the South East Alexander School, prospective students must have a sound prior knowledge and experience of the Alexander Technique through having had sufficient private lessons or by attending workshops.
Students must be ready to commit to a profound process of learning and change, and have the means to pay the full fees at the required times.
If granted a place on the course, a non-refundable deposit equal to one term’s fees will be required, which will be deducted from the final term of training.
Once training has commenced, the first term will be probationary. To leave the course before the final term, at least one term’s notice is required.
The Teachers:
The teaching team will consist of regular teachers and visiting teachers.
Delia Rosenboom A.T. I. Course Director & senior Alexander teacher:
Delia has been involved with the Alexander Technique for most of her life: Following a childhood severely effected by knee-pain and resulting physiotherapy and surgery, she finally found relief from this aged 14 when she discovered the Alexander Technique. Delia went on to train as an Alexander teacher, graduating from Fellside Alexander School in 1989 under the late Don Burton (trained with Walter Carrington). Since then Delia has worked in private practice, run numerous groups including post-graduate workshops/ supervision, taught in a BUPA hospital, at The London Haven (breast cancer clinic), in various drama schools, on a yoga-training course, a Natural Horsemanship training course and also run corporate workshops. She has worked as a teacher-trainer at Fellside Alexander School for many years and on other AT training courses in the UK and abroad, where she has also lectured in practical anatomy and embryology.
Delia has pioneered ways of applying the Alexander Technique to people experiencing trauma, shock, bereavement or recovering from surgery, and is well known for her depth and sensitivity in working.
Delia also runs acappella singing groups and offers specialised workshops integrating voice and breath work with the Alexander Technique. Additionally Delia is a transformational Mind-Body coach, a Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness coach and a Brandon Bays-trained Journey practitioner. She is a teaching member of Alexander Technique International (A.T.I.), and is also an A.T.I. Sponsoring Teacher. Delia lives in Forest Row with her husband and 2 children.
Caroline Canner (M.STAT) Senior Alexander teacher:
After twenty-five years working as a specialist primary school teacher Caroline trained as a teacher of the Alexander Technique. Since then she has taught the Alexander Technique to adults. Learning to teach well and to support others, young and older, through their learning experience has been very central to Caroline’s vocational journey.
In 2014 she completed a postgraduate training in Chakra Therapy with Glen Park. This enabled her to bring a deeper psychological perspective to her work as an Alexander Teacher. She is particularly interested in the emotional aspects of physical difficulties, and in exploring these issues with people who suffer from chronic pain. Caroline teaches ‘Alexander’s Books’ sessions, and classes at the South East Alexander School, .
Ruth Polden Yoga, Feldenkrais & movement teacher:
Ruth Polden is a yoga facilitator and mentor. Her work is inspired by Vanda Scaravelli and informed by somatic movement practices: in particular the Feldenkrais Method, Contact Improvisation, Mind Body Centering and The Alexander Technique. Ruth is a tutor on the faculty of The London Yoga Teacher Training Group and a senior tutor on The YogaBirth Training Course, preparing yoga teachers of the future.
Ruth is a YogaBirth teacher and Active Birth teacher, trained with Janet Balaskas in 1991. She has been following her passion supporting and empowering women through their life journey for over 25 years. Ruth came to yoga after a career as a dancer. She performed, and choreographed in Europe and Israel. She was a lecturer on the dance faculty at Eastbourne University and Dance Foundation Course Hammersmith Education Centre. She enjoys dancing, music, walking, cooking and now lives in Sussex with her husband and 2 children.
Visiting teachers will also teach on the course, including:
Gentian Rahtz, cert.STAT:
Senior Alexander teacher and Cranio-sacral therapist
Miranda Tufnell:
Senior Alexander teacher, cranio-sacral therapist, dance artist, movement teacher and writer
Patrick Gundry-White, m.STAT
Senior Alexander teacher, Buteyko teacher, musician, composer, and voice teach
Glen Park, m.ATI
Senior Alexander teacher, author of ‘The Art of Changing’ and ‘Touching the Soul’
Training Requirements:
Training at the South East Alexander School requires the following (this will differ for apprenticeship trainees):
1. To attend three, 20-day terms of training annually and two additional long weekends, for a minimum of three years, until ready to qualify as an Alexander Teacher (unless other, individual arrangements are made).
2. To undertake a daily practice of ‘working on yourself’ Alexander-style, for a minimum of 1 hr daily, when not attending training course days.
3. To have ten private lessons (minimum) outside of the training course, spread throughout the year, with A.T. teachers of your choice. (The cost of these is not included in the training fees).
4. To keep a learning journal, mapping and reflecting on your journey of self-discovery and change using the Alexander Technique. (This will be confidential.)
5. To write a brief essay at the end of each year using notes from your learning journal, which describes and summarises your process of change and discovery or new understandings / challenges made during the year. This will be read by the course director.
6. To complete a short self-evaluation form at the end of each term.
7. To undertake a more in-depth area of research (based on an area of the Alexander Technique or its application to your life, that interests you), during your final year of training, and to write about this in the form of a 5000-word essay.
8. To attend the gentle movement sessions, which are an integral part of the training.
9. To attend evening classes or workshops during your final year, which will be arranged as part of the training, to enable senior students to assist in running A.T. groups, or to lead groups alongside peers. This will be a part of the sheltered teaching practise in the later part of your training, and may require 1-2 hours outside of the normal training hours e.g. (on a Monday evening).
10. To give 1-1 lessons as part of the ‘sheltered teaching practise’ in the later part of your training. These will be given at your home with pupils of your choice, in your own time, and will be reflected on in supervision sessions within the training programme.
11. To receive a tutorial and a 1-1 lesson each term from the course director or other senior teacher. Where possible these will be arranged within the training days, however they may need to be arranged outside of the usual training times.